Ranking point stats for Martin Roschel (Player No. 4198)

Starting at 2021 2020 2019 all

Deutsche Meisterschaft 2005

Martin Roschel / Mario Klein
375 + 375 = 750
Koichiro N. / Manfred Rau
307 + 429 = 736
ND -40
Martin Roschel / Mario Klein
375 + 375 = 750
Andreas Bayer / Roland Keil
177 + 375 = 552
ND -45

Summary (end of tournament):

Ouvert Doubles: 290 (2 matches)

Hessische Meisterschaft 2009

Patrick Rubenich / Martin Roschel
375 + 290 = 665
Marco Thielmann / Robert Mulch
377 + 375 = 752
ND -34
Patrick Rubenich / Martin Roschel
375 + 290 = 665
Kai S. / Andreas Dülfer
289 + 375 = 664
ND -35

Summary (end of tournament):

Ouvert Doubles: 0 (4 matches)