Ranking point stats for Christian Percic (Player No. 4272)

Starting at 2021 2020 2019 all

Baden-Württ. Meisterschaft 2003

Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Rainer Böhler / Ralf Zucker
375 + 375 = 750
ND 40
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Ingo Straile / Simon Scheffel
599 + 331 = 930
ND -36
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Ergül Süleyman / Michael Brandt
375 + 375 = 750
ND 40
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Daniel Burghardt / Thomas Stalter
476 + 346 = 822
ND 42
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Ingo Straile / Simon Scheffel
599 + 331 = 930
ND 44
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
375 + 375 = 750
Matthias Meyer / Timo Lange
336 + 335 = 671
ND -42

Summary (end of tournament):

Ouvert Doubles: 463 (6 matches)

Baden-Württ. Meisterschaft 2004

Christian Percic / Martin Alker
463 + 463 = 926
Andre Alleman / Giuseppe Manzi
931 + 375 = 1306
ND -31
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
463 + 463 = 926
Oliver Stock / Benny Wohlgemuth
743 + 136 = 879
ND 39
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
463 + 463 = 926
Natascha Petrich / Tobias Forrer
338 + 369 = 707
ND 35
Christian Percic / Martin Alker
463 + 463 = 926
Marc Tröndle / Sven Hepting
521 + 573 = 1094
ND -36

Summary (end of tournament):

Ouvert Doubles: 0 (10 matches)